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AMD e Crystal Dynamics insieme per offrire ai giocatori un'eseprienza ancora più realistica con il lancio di 'Tomb Raider'

Nei giorni scorsi con questa news avevamo annunciato la collaborazione nata tra AMD e Crystal Dynamics a seguito del lancio del nuovo gioco Tomb Raider, uno dei giochi per PC più attesi nel 2013, e parte del programma AMD Gaming Evolved.

AMD e Crystal Dynamics hanno lavorato a stretto contatto nello sviluppo di questo titolo, e in particolare alla realizzazione di TressFX Hair, la prima implementazione al mondo di un rendering in real-time di ogni ciocca dei capelli, ottenuto attraverso un complesso sistema di calcoli fisici. Questa tecnologia permette quindi di donare a Lara Croft un aspetto sorprendentemente realistico e, grazie alla potenza dei prodotti grafici AMD Radeon™, i giocatori possono sfruttarne appieno il potenziale visivo.

L’architettura Graphics Core Next (GCN) alla base dei prodotti grafici AMD Radeon™ rappresenta la soluzione ideale per apprezzare al meglio il nuovo “Tomb Raider”, per un’esperienza di gioco senza paragoni. “Tomb Raider” supporta inoltre pienamente le tecnologie AMD CrossFire™, AMD Eyefinity e AMD HD3D – oltre a essere il primo titolo capace di sfruttare fino in fondo il livello di dettagli offerto dalle DirectX® 11, grazie alla collaborazione di Crystal Dynamics con AMD Gaming Evolved.

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I coupon per “Tomb Raider” compresi nel bundle AMD Radeon Never Settle: Reloaded verranno consegnati dai rivenditori al momento dell’acquisto delle schede grafiche AMD Radeon HD 7900 e HD 7800, e potranno essere riscattati on-line, sull’AMD redemption portal dedicato alla promozione.

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Di seguito la notizia in dettaglio, in inglese:

SUNNYVALE, Calif. ─ Mar. 5, 2013 ─ AMD (NYSE: AMD) today announced a collaboration with Crystal Dynamics™ following the launch of “Tomb Raider,” one of the most highly anticipated PC games of 2013, and part of the AMD Gaming Evolved program. AMD and Crystal Dynamics worked together extensively on the development of “Tomb Raider,” most notably with TressFX Hair, the world’s first in-game implementation of a real-time, per-strand hair physics system. This leading-edge technology imparts one of the most iconic video game characters, Lara Croft, with an astonishingly lifelike appearance. With AMD Radeon™ graphics, gamers can unleash the full potential of this next-generation technology.

“With the launch of ‘Tomb Raider’ and TressFX Hair, AMD and Crystal Dynamics have radically pushed the boundaries of realism in the PC gaming experience,” said Matt Skynner, corporate vice president and general manager, AMD Graphics. “Over the past several months, AMD has proven that the Gaming Evolved program is set to full throttle, and today’s launch is a testament to AMD’s ingenuity and innovation. Our team is working with the finest game developers in the world to ensure AMD Radeon™ HD 7000 Series graphics deliver the ultimate PC gaming experience.”

AMD Radeon™ Graphics Core Next (GCN) is the ideal architecture for outstanding “Tomb Raider” performance. Built with numerous compute-driven effects like High Definition Ambient Occlusion (HDAO) and Depth of Field (DOF), “Tomb Raider” uniquely exploits the computing strengths of GCN architecture and the AMD Radeon HD 7000 Series, enabling an unrivaled gaming experience. “Tomb Raider” also fully supports AMD CrossFire™ technology, immersive AMD Eyefinity multidisplay technology and AMD HD3D stereo 3D. What’s more, it is the first game in the franchise to take full advantage of DirectX® 11, a direct result of Crystal Dynamic’s collaboration with AMD Gaming Evolved.

“AMD and the Square Enix Studios, including Crystal Dynamics, have a long successful history of collaboration, starting with ‘Deus Ex: Human Revolution’ from Eidos Montreal,” said Darrell Gallagher, studio head, Crystal Dynamics. “We continue this close PC gaming relationship with the latest edition of ‘Tomb Raider.’ The AMD Gaming Evolved engineers and the team at Crystal Dynamics worked for months to make TressFX Hair a reality – with tremendous success. We believe that AMD Radeon Graphics and Graphics Core Next is the best way to take advantage of the dynamic realism we’ve brought to Lara in Tomb Raider.”

“Never Settle: Reloaded” Redemption

Coupons for “Tomb Raider” included in the AMD Radeon “Never Settle: Reloaded” bundle are provided by resellers in select regions[1] when customers purchase select AMD Radeon HD 7900 and HD 7800 Series graphics cards, and coupons can be redeemed on the AMD redemption portal[2].


Press Release




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